Eye Issues And How You Can Treat Them At Home

The eyes are an important organ in your body. They do a big job for you every day allowing you to see everything, and they can take a beating over time with all of the work you make them do. Your eyes are an exposed organ, which means they are exposed to a lot of things throughout your day, including germs and bacteria. This also means you are going to end up with issues with your eyes throughout your lifetime. [Read More]

3 Factors That Can Influence Your Intraocular Lens Choice For Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery not only gives you the opportunity to have clearer vision by removing the affected lens, but you may have the opportunity to choose the type of lens replacement for even better vision. If you have the option to choose your intraocular lens (IOL), there are certain factors that may affect your decision. Cost The major influence on what lenses are available to you for cataract surgery will be the cost. [Read More]